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How to Get Rid of a Diaper Rash

Note: Always consult with a medical professional prior to making decisions on behalf of your child or if you are pregnant. This article is not medical advice. Raising Them is ad supported and may earn money from clicks.

Any part will tell you that you’re going to deal with diaper rashes – that’s just part of being a parent. Diaper rashes can be so stubborn, leaving you wondering how to get rid of a diaper rash that won’t stop.

No matter how careful you are, there is a good chance that your baby will have a red bottom from time to time. Rashes can even appear on their thighs. Since a variety of problems can cause rashes, treating them can be problematic.

No worries! I’m going to show you how to get rid of a diaper rash the easy way!

What Causes a Diaper Rash?

In most cases, a diaper rash is caused by irritation, but infections, diet problems, and medications can cause diaper rashes. Babies of all ages can get rashes, but they’re most likely to get them between 9-12 months of age. That’s especially true if your child already has sensitive skin issues.

Here are a few common diaper rash causes.

  • Irritation from dirty diapers
  • Rubbing or chafing
  • Antibiotics
  • Diarrhea or acidic poops
  • Bacterial infections
  • Yeast infections
  • Changes in stools
  • Reactions to wipes, diapers, detergents, or other products

How to Get Rid of a Diaper Rash Quickly

Ready to get rid of your baby’s diaper rash? Here are some of my best tips!

1. Use Water Not Wipes

baby on a diaper

Using baby wipes might seem like the most common choice, but the best way to clean your baby’s bottom is with water rather than baby wipes. Wipes, even the kinds designed for sensitive skin, have ingredients that can cause irritant. Then, when you rub the wipe on your baby’s bottom, it can make the irritation worse.

Instead, use cotton pads or rags in warm water to wipe most of the mess away. A rash is similar to a wound, so you need to avoid irritating it even more.

2. Get Plenty of Air Time

Air time is essential – like how wounds need air and air circulation to heal appropriately. This can be even more important when your baby has a yeast infection; air kills yeast.

Since your baby isn’t potty trained, doing air time can be problematic – no one wants urine on their floor! Try putting a towel or blanket on the ground and letting your baby have tummy time on the blanket.

3. Select a Good Diaper Rash Cream

You’re going to have to put your baby back in a diaper eventually, so you do need to have a diaper rash cream. Using a rash cream helps to soothe irritated and itchy skin while adding a layer on top of his skin to protect his bottom from the diaper.

You might think that rash crams keep the diaper area moist, but it does the opposite. Rash cream creates a barrier against moisture, stopping it from getting worse. Always apply rash cream to a dry bottom, or you might lock moisture against your baby’s skin.

4. Always Change Diapers Frequently

I’m not telling you to wake up your baby in the middle of the night for a diaper change, but be sure to change your baby’s diaper throughout the day frequently. If your baby is waking up in the middle of the night still, be sure to change him. Doing so avoids moisture making it worse.

Try to change your baby’s diaper every two hours. If your baby’s diaper has a wetness indicator, be sure to change as soon as you notice that your baby is wet.

Are you noticing a trend? Dryness matters a lot when it comes to how to get rid of a diaper rash. A clean, dry diaper is the best thing next to being naked!

5. Consider Switching Diaper Brands


So, if you aren’t noticing a change after trying these tips, it might be the diaper itself that is causing the rash. Don’t discount this, even if you’ve been using the same brand for a while.

Try a different diaper brand! Only buy in small packages to see if it makes any difference.

6. Try a Baking Soda Bath

One of the next things that I try is a baking soda bath. Baking soda is an alkaline form of salt that can help neutralize bacteria and acidity that causes diaper rashes. If your baby has diarrhea or acidic poops, it can quickly lead to irritated skin.

You don’t need to worry that it’ll bother your baby’s skin. Baking soda can alkaline infected rashes, reduce inflammation, and reduce redness.

I recommend that you either put some baking soda in the sink and soak for 3 minutes. The other option is to add some baking soda at the end of the bath. You don’t want to let your baby soak for too long.

Other Tips for Getting Rid of a Diaper Rash

If these tips haven’t got rid of the rash yet, then here are some other suggestions to consider.

Consider Removing New Foods

As you introduce new foods to your baby, you may find foods that irritate your baby. This is especially true for citrus fruits and tomatoes. That can cause your baby’s poop and urine to be acidic.

Always introduce new foods in small quantities. Then, watch to see if a new diaper rash develops. If you notice a rash or any irritation, remove the food from your baby’s diet for a few more months.

Use Unscented Soaps & Detergents

Scented soaps and detergents might sound fantastic, but the chemicals used to create the scents can cause diaper rashes and skin rashes across your baby’s body.

Wash Your Cloth Diaper’s Thoroughly

For years, we used cloth diapers, and for the most part, we rarely had rashes. If your baby has a rash, especially a yeast diaper rash, you need to clean them seriously. Use hot water and do extra rinse cycles to get anything stuck in the diapers out.

Try an Oatmeal Bath

Collodial oatmeal might help to reduce inflammation and irritation that is caused by skin conditions or dermatitis. Oatmeal baths might also reduce pain and itching that is associated with a diaper rash.

Final Thoughts

No one wants to see their baby’s bottom red and irritated. As soon as you see the rash, you start thinking about how to get rid of a diaper rash and planning your strategy. Use these proven tips to get rid of a rash as soon as possible to get your baby happy once again.

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